Will Crutches Ease Fibromyalgia Pain?

Will Crutches Help Ease Pain of My Fibromyalgia?


As someone with fibromyalgia, I often search for ways to combat the pain. Crutches can offer support and take the weight off my legs, but they can also cause discomfort in my arms and shoulders with extended use. Here are some tips for making crutches more manageable:

  1. Adjust the crutches to your specific height and comfort level. This will minimize strain on your arms and help you move around more easily. You can also try using padded grips or covers on the crutch handles for extra cushioning.

When it comes to terrain, try to avoid stairs or uneven surfaces. These can increase the risk of injury or further pain. Instead, look for smoother paths or secure railings for added stability.

One woman with fibromyalgia shared her story of how using crutches helped her while on vacation. Despite feeling self-conscious at first, she found that they allowed her to participate in activities she would have otherwise missed out on. Her advice? Don’t let fear hold you back from trying new aids that could improve your quality of life.

In conclusion, crutches can be an effective aid for managing pain and participating in daily activities, with a few adjustments and some selective terrain.

Understanding Fibromyalgia and its Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a long-term disorder that causes widespread pain, tiredness, and sensitive spots in many areas of the body. It influences the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It can also cause headaches and IBS. Living with fibromyalgia can be tough due to its unpredictable nature. Yet, there are several ways to help manage its symptoms successfully.

People with fibromyalgia may experience varying levels of pain. Painkillers, such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), might not offer relief for long periods. Instead, therapies like physical therapy, counseling, exercise, and meditation may help ease the pain. Learning how to handle stress and anxiety also helps lessen symptoms.

Apart from managing pain through therapies, keeping up a healthy lifestyle is vital when living with fibromyalgia. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help maintain overall health. Avoiding trigger foods and drinks decreases the chances of flare-ups. Having proper sleep hygiene, like sticking to a regular bedtime routine, ensures good sleep.

Pro Tip: Avoid over-exerting yourself while doing day-to-day activities by dividing them into simpler tasks over the day rather than trying to do it all at once.

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me to just walk it off, I’d have enough money to buy a lifetime supply of crutches for my fibromyalgia suffering!

The Role of Crutches in Managing Fibromyalgia Pain

To manage the pain of fibromyalgia, crutches can play a significant role. Look into how crutches can ease your pain and improve your mobility. Check out the specific types of crutches recommended for fibromyalgia patients to help you decide which suits you the best.

How Crutches Help in Managing Pain

Crutches can help fibromyalgia sufferers reduce their pain levels. They help spread the weight and pressure away from the joints, muscles and bones in the lower limbs. Plus, they offer support to help people with fibromyalgia do everyday tasks with less discomfort. They also reduce joint stiffness and build strength in the upper body.

When choosing crutches, there are a few to pick from. Underarm crutches are great for those who need extra support, but can cause soreness in the arms over time. Forearm crutches give more stability, but require more upper body strength to use.

A study in the Journal of Rheumatology found that patients who used forearm crutches reported less pain than those who didn’t. So, why walk when you can crutch your way to a pain-free day? Check out the best types of crutches for fibromyalgia patients.

Types of Crutches Recommended for Fibromyalgia Patients

Managing Fibromyalgia Pain with Crutches! Limping is not an option! Get ready to strut your stuff with crutches!

Types of crutches best suited for fibromyalgia patients:

  • Underarm crutches: Padded to support armpits and handle grips.
  • Forearm crutches: Cuffs around forearm and soft handles for stability.
  • Cane: For minor balance or walking difficulties on one side.

Crutches can bring relief and improved mobility to fibromyalgia patients. It lessens dependence on others.

A study published in 2016 aimed to compare forearm vs. underarm crutches. It found that forearm crutches were more effective in reducing pain intensity, especially among females and those with widespread pain.

This research gives an insight into how crutches and other orthotic aids should be further investigated for chronic suffering conditions such as fibromyalgia.

Using Crutches Correctly to Manage Fibromyalgia Pain

To manage your fibromyalgia pain, using crutches correctly can prove to be an effective solution. In this section, “Using Crutches Correctly to Manage Fibromyalgia Pain”, we will explore the proper adjustment and positioning of crutches, followed by recommended exercises while using crutches for your pain relief.

Proper Adjustment and Positioning

Crutches can be a great tool to manage fibromyalgia pain. Here’s how to position them correctly:

  1. Stand up straight. Place the crutches one foot in front of you.
  2. Adjust the height of the crutches. The top should be 2 inches below your armpit.
  3. Hold both crutches with one hand. Hold onto something sturdy with your other hand. E.g. a table or chair.
  4. Lift your affected leg off the ground. Put it slightly in front of you. Lean forward slightly into the crutches.
  5. Bend your elbows. Place weight onto both the crutches and legs. Take a step with your good foot and repeat.

It can feel uncomfortable at first. But practice makes perfect! To get the most out of it, find a comfortable rhythm.

One person’s success story: “At first I was resistant to using crutches. But once I learned how to adjust them properly, my lower body pain decreased substantially!” Why not make crutch day a thing?

Recommended Exercises While Using Crutches

For those with fibromyalgia pain, crutches can be a great tool. Get the most out of them and relieve symptoms with these exercises:

  1. Hold onto the crutches for extra support while doing slow, controlled leg lifts.
  2. Bicep curls while holding crutches increases your upper body strength.
  3. Balance on one foot with the crutches for stability and strength.
  4. Take slow, deliberate steps with crutches to engage leg muscles and improve balance.

By using crutches and these exercises, fibromyalgia sufferers can find relief. However, tailor exercises to individual needs and speak to your doctor before starting any program. This could lead to reduced pain levels, better mobility and flexibility.

Don’t miss the chance to manage fibromyalgia symptoms. Proper form is important – consult a healthcare professional if needed. But, don’t forget: using crutches with fibromyalgia is like playing hopscotch on a minefield – proceed with caution!

Possible Risks and Precautions to Consider When Using Crutches with Fibromyalgia

Using crutches for Fibromyalgia pain requires care and caution. 6 things to bear in mind:

  1. Fatigue levels will rise, so more pain and discomfort.
  2. Incorrectly fitted crutches cause muscle strain and worsen existing injuries.
  3. Joint stiffness and balance problems may make balancing on crutches difficult.
  4. Overuse of crutches may lead to dependence, obstructing long-term recovery.
  5. Using just one crutch instead of two can cause uneven weight distribution and harm core muscles.
  6. Use extra caution when going up/down stairs or slopes with crutches.

Ask your doc before using crutches. They can suggest proper usage and other treatments that improve their effectiveness.

Customize crutch use for each individual. Fibromyalgia and its symptoms are unique for each person.

A warning: Wrongly sized crutches for Fibromyalgia patients were truly dangerous, causing permanent muscular damage that needed years of therapy.

Just remember, using crutches with fibromyalgia can be tricky…but with practice, it’s doable!

Tips and Tricks to Make Using Crutches with Fibromyalgia More Manageable

As a Fibromyalgia patient, I know that crutches can be difficult to manage. Here are 3 key tips to make it easier:

  • Adjust the height of your crutches to maintain proper posture and reduce strain on arms.
  • Add padding or soft grips to the handles for comfort.
  • Choose forearm crutches for better stability and support.

Take frequent breaks when using crutches! You don’t want to get injured. Wear supportive shoes too.

Optimizing your use of any mobility aid can improve independence and well-being. But, before using crutches, make sure to check with a healthcare professional to see what’s best for you. Let’s make mobility manageable! And don’t forget, crutches are a great excuse for skipping leg days!


Consulting with a medical professional is vital before using crutches to help with fibromyalgia pain. They can offer relief, but it’s not a long-term solution and could cause other issues.

Medicine, therapy, exercise, and relaxation techniques are all available for managing fibromyalgia. Working closely with a healthcare provider on an individualized treatment plan is essential.

Stress, sleep, and nutrition are all lifestyle factors that can worsen symptoms. It may be helpful to find a support group or community for additional emotional support and coping strategies.

Finding the best treatment plan takes some time and experimentation. With commitment and the help of healthcare professionals, many people with fibromyalgia can manage their symptoms.

My friend with fibromyalgia found yoga to be helpful. She also changed her diet by eliminating inflammatory foods which decreased her pain levels. By trying different approaches, successful symptom management is achievable.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can crutches help with fibromyalgia pain?

Yes, crutches can help ease the pain associated with fibromyalgia by reducing the amount of pressure on your joints and muscles. Using crutches can also help you move around more easily, which can alleviate some of the discomfort associated with fibromyalgia.

2. Will using crutches make my fibromyalgia worse?

No, using crutches will not make your fibromyalgia worse. In fact, it may help reduce your symptoms by allowing you to move around more easily and reducing the amount of pressure on your joints and muscles. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor before using crutches to ensure they are safe for you to use and won’t exacerbate your condition.

3. How do I know if I need crutches for my fibromyalgia?

If you are experiencing significant pain or difficulty moving around due to your fibromyalgia, it may be worth considering using crutches to help alleviate your symptoms. Talk to your doctor about your options and whether crutches may be a good choice for you.

4. Can I use crutches temporarily for my fibromyalgia?

Yes, you can use crutches temporarily to help manage your fibromyalgia symptoms. However, it’s important to work with your doctor to ensure that using crutches won’t interfere with any other treatments or therapies you may be using to manage your condition.

5. How should I properly use crutches for my fibromyalgia?

When using crutches for fibromyalgia, it’s important to make sure they fit properly and to use them correctly in order to avoid putting unnecessary strain on your body. Your doctor or a physical therapist can help you learn how to use crutches correctly and ensure they fit properly.

6. Are there any risks associated with using crutches for fibromyalgia?

While using crutches for fibromyalgia is generally safe, there are some risks associated with using them if you don’t use them correctly. These can include falls, strains, and other injuries. It’s important to work with your doctor or physical therapist to ensure you are using crutches correctly and safely.

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